
Spring Sports Tryout Information
Spring Sports begin their seasons on Monday, February 10th. All scholar-athletes MUST be cleared through the Big Teams registration process before they may tryout. Click here for more information on how to register your scholarship-athlete.Please see below for locations, times, and coach contact information: High School:Baseball - Agua Fria High School - 4 PMDHatfield@triviumprep.orgSoftball - Goldschmidt Field - 3:30 PMJDodson@triviumprep.orgTrack - Agua Fria High School - 5:30 PMMJimerson@triviumprep.orgBeach Volleyball - Begins Tuesday - Goodyear Community Park - 3:30 PMJPoyner@triviumprep.orgGolf - TBAMMoreno@triviumprep.orgMiddle School:Boy’s Basketball - Trivium Gym - 3:30 PMJCampbell@triviumprep.orgGirl’s Basketball - Trivium Gym - 5:00 PMSMaynard@triviumprep.orgTrack - Agua Fria High School - 5:30 PMJSmith@triviumprep.orgSwim - Goodyear Rec Center - 4:00 PMRParson@triviumprep.orgSpirit Line - Trivium MPR - 3:45
More About Spring Sports Tryout InformationSpring Athletic Meeting Information
Open the PDF file below to view the power point shared at the Spring Parent Meeting held on Tuesday, February 4th.If you have any questions, please email Mr. Wahlstrom.
More About Spring Athletic Meeting Information
Athletic Registration Process
Athletic Registration Process Welcome to another exciting year of athletics at Trivium Prep! To ensure a smooth registration process for your chosen sport, please complete the following items for each scholar:Register your scholar on the Portal:Click here to watch this helpful video on how to create both parent and student accounts.Utilize this step-by-step guide provided by BigTeams.Upload your scholar’s AIA Physical to the Registration Portal.Print the 2024-2025 AIA Physicals for your Doctor to fill out.Ensure that all the pages are filled out, signed, and compiled into a single document.You can upload the complete document under the following sections:Physical History FormFamily HistoryPhysical ExamsRead the Athletic Handbook & Complete the Athletic Handbook Acknowledgement Form.For High School Students Only:Complete the AIA Brainbook and Opioid Education Courses (Scholar must only complete it once during their high school years.) and upload the certificates to the Re
More About Athletic Registration Process
Winter Athletics Calendars
Please use the links found below to access the practice/game calendar for your scholar's sport. (Reminder: ALL times and locations are subject to change.)MS Tennis Calendar LinkMS Baseball Calendar LinkMS Softball Calendar LinkSoccer Calendar LinkBasketball Calendar Link
More About Winter Athletics Calendars
Knight Nation Snack Station
The PSO is looking for volunteers to help with their Snack Stations for home football and volleyball games. Please use the links below to sign up: Football sign-up link Volleyball sign-up link
More About Knight Nation Snack Station